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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Days 1 & 2 - Adjusting

I think we both are having a difficult time adjusting. We spoke on the phone yesterday and she wasn't her usual silly happy self. When we talk on the phone or in person, we give each other shit, goof around, be stupid, and laugh laugh laugh. There was none of that yesterday.

I did OK yesterday. I was focused on money, financial aid, Heidi's new job, paperwork, medical insurance, all the loose ends that need to be tied up before classes start. Heidi sounded sad, she hasn't made any friends yet. She put herself out there her first night but everyone seems to be there with a friend or two. Her and her roommate are amicable, but not chummy. I think they just need to be comfortable with each other first. My best roommate was a girl that I could live with but we weren't buddies. We respected each others space, property, feelings, etc... but we didn't hang out. Maybe that is the sort of relationship she will have with her roommate? I still think it's too early to tell.  I know she's frustrated about the money too. We never had money for anything, always struggled with the bills. I wanted Heidi to get to escape from those problems while she was in college. That is not the case. Like always, we started off in the hole AND have NO money for books. Her dad, who never sent her anything, is FINALLY stepping up and contributing to her education and sent her some cash for books, but it will only cover 1/2. We still need to come up with the other 1/2. She's visiting the financial aid office today for an emergency loan that will cover that other 1/2. Heidi still needs items for her room, computer, clothes, and I just don't have it. All the money in her checking account will go towards books. She never complains, but I know it depresses her a little to always be without.

This morning I had a difficult time getting out of bed. I'm not over tired. I just don't have any ambition to come in to work. I don't want to get out of bed, I don't want to take a shower, I don't want to do my laundry, I don't even want to eat. But alas, I went to work today and yes, I did take a shower, but I wait to the last possible minute to do all of that and show up late for work. I have so many challenges here and major projects going on and I can't seem to keep my mind on any of it.

I enjoy playing Mafia Wars, Farmville, and reading blogs and following Tim Roth on Twitter. I need to get back to doing that, and also start reading my Terry Pratchett books again with Vernon. That will put me in a better place than I'm in now and hopefully I'll get my mind focused in other directions and not feel so lonely, depressed and worried. I've also got school. My class started Monday but I was moving Heidi into her dorm so I sent an email to my prof. as to why I missed class. I haven't heard back from her. I hope she's not bitchy.

I just got a call from Heidi, she's walking through campus, in the pouring rain IN HER WHITE HALTER TOP! She said people are staring... well DUH! Like guys aren't going to stare at a hot girl in a white wet halter top.  So funny. I realized I failed to send her an umbrella when I got home Tuesday... Oops! She and I were laughing, it felt good.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Big Move

It's official! I'm finally a grown-up and living on my own. What will I do with my time? Rather than typing this one out, I'll simply post the numerous videos I took over the last 3 days. I am new at taking video since I've never had a video camera before. I will not be held responsible if you get motion sickness from these... so watch at your own risk! :)


Between the last two videos I cried. After filming the final video, I didn't think I was going to be able to stop crying.  It was terrible. My tears were of both happiness and sadness, but I knew that if I didn't leave right away, I never would.  I'm so proud of my girl!