May has been a trying month. On April 13 I tore my ACL getting into a middle seat on my flight from Paris to Detroit. It should have been an aisle seat, but leave it to Air France to screw things up and cause me physical pain and financial difficulty due to numerous Dr. visits, drugs and medical supplies. On Mother’s Day, May 8th, I woke up and could not get out of bed. Because of being on crutches and not having the use of my left leg, my back had gone out. I can’t be left alone or do anything myself because my condition has become very fragile and complicated, not to mention I’ve gained 10lbs. of the 39 I lost since January. Grrrrr! Thankfully, for the two weeks I was unable to move I was able to work from home… the perks of using
On a more positive note, I’ve managed to maintain the 10 lb. gain by continuing to drink plenty of water and eating balanced meals. My daughter Heidi has been home from college and has been keeping the house, cooking, packing my lunches, shopping and doing laundry. This all includes her waking up at 6am every day and coming to me every time I call. I don’t know how I would survive without her. She’s been very patient and helpful and I appreciate her very much.
I am getting very tired and worn out from using the crutches and don’t know how much longer I can do this. June is going to be my month of healing. I’m going to maintain my weight by watching my fat and sodium intake, I am going to work hard on following my Dr.’s instructions and heal. I am determined to get better and be better. I WILL drop that 10 lbs. and continue where I left off. Most importantly I will continue to spend time with Heidi while she is at home. There are movies we want to see, TV shows to catch up on, games to play and stuff to buy. I appreciate her so much and I shouldn’t get so defensive when she gets cranky because she’s been doing everything for me without one complaint. I’ll be alone on June 18th when she goes down to her dad’s for a few weeks. I admit I’m a bit nervous about being alone but I will be fine because thanks to her I’ve been able to take it easy allowing my body to heal. Hopefully the June Monthly Milestones will be even better news! Wish me luck!