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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Losing Weight, Nutrition, Exercise, Social Networking and TRAVEL!

I miss my daughter. I miss her a lot. I'll be listening to the radio, watching movies or tv and see something and think of her. I'll remember something really funny that was triggered by a song or a movie/tv quote, and want to call her immediately but I don't. I have been avoiding the want to curl up in the corner of Heidi's room and cry by keeping busy. Since January I have changed my lifestyle drastically. I eat healthier and exercise. I am able to focus all of my attention on food, cooking, researching nutrition and looking for decent exercise videos. I like being able to take my time shopping, reading labels and comparing fat and sodium contents to various foods. I wouldn't be able to do that if Heidi were home. She'd be calling me every 5 minutes. "Mom! I'm starving! When will you be home?" Silly girl. I keep her updated with what I'm doing and how I'm doing and she is very proud of me. It is wonderful motivation when she is enthusiastic about my weight loss (which right now is 25 pounds. Woo Hoo!) 
Cooking has been interesting too. I've been trying new recipes and new types of foods and I know I will be able to stick with what I have been buying and cooking because she is a healthy eater. It will be tough buying food for two again, as I have adjusted my budget to food for one, but it's only for a few months over the summer.

I've picked up some other hobbies also. I spend a lot of time on Twitter and Facebook. I also like to Blog as you can see by this one, although I have neglected it since December because I've been so busy with the things I mentioned above. I love YouTube, I have my own channel now and I Vlog about my weight loss journey. I enjoy making videos and editing them. I also keep a written journal and spend a lot of time on Spark People where I research recipes, log everything I eat and read weight loss blogs. I also have a blog about my 11 year long distance relationship (LDR) with Vernon Sexy Chicken Was Here... I put a lot of attention into that one and recently I have been asked to guest write on someone elses blog. I'm really excited about that!
The next thing on my list is getting ready for my trip to see Vernon. I leave in less than a month and I'm so excited. Normally I would take Heidi with me but she will be getting ready for finals. When I get back Heidi will be finishing up with her first year of college and then she will be home! I have lots to do to get her room ready for her. (I kind of have been using it as a storage room.) So much going on and I'm feeling better and healthier and energized and happy, but I could have done all that with Heidi here too. I'd rather have her home, but I'm so very happy she is enjoying school and finding herself. It's rewarding to see that I managed to raise such a beautiful responsible adult.

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